Archive for September, 2011

Excellent Night

Posted in Culture, Friends, Me, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on 30/09/2011 by arabrhizome

Hi everyone. Sorry about the earlier one line titleless post. I had to lock in the date as I didn’t know if I would make it in time to write the post today. I was out with my friend. She has a couple of gigs this weekend here in town. It was great hanging out with her and just talking and having fun. I got to see her perform again, it was great as usual. The room was boiling and the punters were clearly not in the mood for crappy comedy. After the compare and the first act went on, and didn’t do that well if I’m being honest, it was clear that the room was ready to turn. But my friend got on and turned them back. She was great as usual. She slowly but surely brought the whole room back on side. It was fantastic to witness how easily a gig can go wrong and how it can be brought back from the brink. I mean before she got on the compare asked, as you do, if people were having fun, and quite a few said very clearly no. But then after my friend’s set everyone gave very loud applause and were clearly very happy. All in all it was a great evening. Now I have to go and try to do some work before I go to sleep. Stay safe everyone. Love you bye.

I Need A Job

Posted in about the blog, Me, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on 29/09/2011 by arabrhizome

I need a job desperately. I really need some money coming in this year. My parents will help me out, but I still need some money that I make myself. So this week I’ll be looking at some work opportunities. Hopefully I can find a job that gets me to at least be able to pay my rent with. Ideally I’d be able to be payed more than that but that’s the minimum I need. Of course the problem with getting a job is that I will have to cut out that time from my work schedule but I really need money. Anyway, I shall go back to work now. Talk to you all later. Stay safe everyone. Love you bye.


Posted in about the blog, Me, Uncategorized with tags , , , on 28/09/2011 by arabrhizome

I’m very very tired. I just want to go to bed. I had a long and busy day today. I didn’t expect to be this tired this early. But anyway, I had a long semi-productive day. I am looking forward to finishing the chapter and starting a new one. In other news, I had for the first time today a thought about having something that isn’t vegan. I resisted of course but it was weird. I really felt like pizza. I guess when my friend comes to visit this weekend we’ll go to the vegan place and I’ll have a vegan pizza. Anyway, must go get ready for bed. Stay safe everyone. Love you bye.

Dungeons and Dragons 4

Posted in Culture, Me, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on 27/09/2011 by arabrhizome

So today was another DnD day. It was mainly a series of skill checks and fighting encounters. So the story didn’t advance much, but it was still a whole lot of fun to play. We picked up exactly where we left off, which is that we had destroyed the minions and the ancient creature and the diplomate has run away. We tracked him and were able to catch up with him. The problem is that while we were trying to find him a hibernating mother Dire Bear woke up and attacked us. We all worked together quite well in order to fight her and ended up killing her. This meant that the diplomate was highly intimidated by us having seen us fight and kill one of the most dangerous creatures in these islands.

We were able to get quite a lot of information out of him. It turns out that queen Mave, the evil one who wants to take over from the missing princess has heard about the princess missing. It seems that there is one or more spies in the inner circle of the princess. He told us that she had sent around five groups of people to try and find her. The plan was to get to her before the brotherhood that is sworn to protect her does, and then bring her to the meet where the future of the islands will be decided. This strategy would humiliate both the princess and the brotherhood and show the princess to be incapable of ruling and the brotherhood incapable of protecting her.

He also told us that he thought he knew where the princess would be hiding. Her and her late father used to go out hunting and they used to use an abandoned guard tower as their hunting lodge. He drew us a map and then we asked him about those ancient creatures. He explained that as soon as the ancient creatures started appearing queen Mave saw an opportunity and tried to forge if not alliances with them, at least an understanding. It seems that a particularly nasty bunch, known as the femory (I think), have become sort of close to her. He didn’t know how the other two races have reacted. After we got all this information out of him we gave him 5 gold pieces, healed him, and let him go on his way. He is going to try to escape to the mainland as his leader will kill him for his failure.

After that we checked the cave and found some treasure and also three dire cubs. The ranger, the rogue, and me decided to adopt them and try to raise them. This whole part with us trying to get them to like us was a lot of fun. The ranger had no problem getting her cub to like her. I had a bit of a harder time but it seemed happy to go with me. The rogue had a bit more of an issue. He ended up having to use the hide of the mother as a coat and smear himself with her blood for the cub to go to him. The cub wasn’t fooled but it decided to humour him. Now if we’re able to raise them and train them properly we will have very strong and powerful pets.

After this was done we made our way to the tower and at this point I was able to sense that anti-magic field. However, as I sensed it I realised that it was in fact more than one distinct spots of anti-magic. I wasn’t able to sense how many though. We also noticed that some figure was on its way to the tower from the other side. We raced him there and as we got to the tower realised that he was some sort of strange man. He was very annoying and just ready for a fight. We tried to reason with him but he wouldn’t have it. All we got from him is that he was looking for the princess as well. He said that he wasn’t going to kill her, and seemed genuine, but we don’t know who he works for yet. The game tonight ended as we started to fight him. Now I have to wait a whole week until we get to figure out what the hell is going on. This campaign is really fantastic.


Posted in about the blog, Me, Uncategorized with tags , , , , on 26/09/2011 by arabrhizome

I am very tired. I have had some very bad sleep for the past week. I tried to cover it up by writing that I’ve been working but I in fact have been slightly lying. I have been working but not enough at all. I have only managed to work about 2 hours a day at best. I have been tired and sleepy all throughout the week and have been sleeping for 10 to 12 hours a day. My sleeping pattern is all shot to pieces. I think that I need to do something new. Maybe go to town and try to work there. I will do that tomorrow. In the mean time, stay safe everyone. Love you bye.

Creeping Zombieism

Posted in about the blog, Me, Silly Thoughts, Uncategorized with tags , , , on 25/09/2011 by arabrhizome

Hi everyone. I’m very busy but I just wanted to point you quickly to this thing we did on twitter today during one of my long breaks. So I have been tweeting some zombie apocalypse tips that I have gathered from watching zombie films using the hashtag #zombieapocalypsetips. A person who I follow and who follows me suggested that these tips were very important in order to combat the threat of creeping zombieism, #creepingzombieism. It became a bit of a thing between me and a few of my followers where we were able to make fun of all the racist and idiotic arguments against an invisible “creeping sharia” or the threat of terrorism and how governments use shock doctrine language in order to justify the unjustifiable. I suggest you check it out and join in. It would be very fun if it became a thing. Anyway, I must go back to work. I salute you all. Stay safe and be ready to fight the threat of creeping zombieism. Love you bye.

No Time

Posted in about the blog, Uncategorized with tags , , on 24/09/2011 by arabrhizome

I was planning to write a longish post today but I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to right now. I’m in the middle of a couple of important things, including working. I’m hoping to keep working all night and maybe be able to write something interesting tomorrow, although I have to admit that I don’t see it. It seems to me that I’m going to have to keep writing short posts for a while to come. I know much is happening in the world and you’re all dying to hear what I have to say about it, I am not a megalomaniac. However, it doesn’t look promising to be honest. Anyway, must get back to it. Stay safe. Love you bye

Quick Post

Posted in about the blog, Me, Uncategorized with tags , , on 23/09/2011 by arabrhizome

Sorry everyone I completely forgot about this. So much stuff is happening today. I’m working a lot. I had a guitar lesson. I hung out at my local comic book shop. I followed the news of the fake statehood bid at the UN. I also heard about the verdict at the irvine 11 case. It has been a very busy day and all this meant that this completely slipped my mind. I will hopefully write something tomorrow. It’ll probably be about Netanyahu’s disgusting speech, or Abbas’s stupid bid and his hypocrisy. Anyway, I shall go back to work, and also twitter. Stay safe everyone. Love you bye.

Troy Davis

Posted in about the blog, Culture, Me, Uncategorized with tags , , , on 22/09/2011 by arabrhizome

So yesterday was one of the most depressing nights in a while. Yesterday millions were watching Georgia as they tortured an innocent man and his family for four hours. Troy Davis who was murdered yesterday even though all the evidence used in order to indict him has turned out to be very doubtful. I’m not going to write a long post about it, there are many people out there who have written and are writing much more eloquently about it. I just wanted to say that yesterday felt like 2006 and 2008 when we watched helplessly as israel was murdering innocent people in Lebanon and Gaza. I know that this is only one man while more than a million died in iraq hundreds of thousands died in Afghanistan and thousands died in Lebanon and Palestine. However, this just felt very much like a huge deal. Twitter was on fire. Democracy Now had one of the best coverages I’ve ever seen. Now all we have is to hope that this will do something. We have to hope that people organise and are able to do something to stop this terrible tragic practice. Anyway, I must go to work now. I am thinking of the family and friends of Troy Davis. Stay safe everyone. Love you bye.

Short Post

Posted in about the blog, Me, Uncategorized with tags , , , on 21/09/2011 by arabrhizome

I’m sorry but this is going to be a very short post. I’m working at the moment. I’m trying to finally finish this chapter from hell. It’s not the easiest thing but I’m on it. Hopefully I’ll be able to go to Brazilian Jujitsu tomorrow. My leg feels a lot better so I think I can manage it. It’s been kind of hard going this past week. In other news, an innocent man is about to be murdered in the USA. Troy Davis who was wrongfully accused of a crime he didn’t commit is going to be executed tonight. The fact that 7 out of 9 of the eye witnesses recanted and said that their statements were obtained through coercion by the police seem to not be enough to save his life in the eyes of a racist system that sees black men as criminals. I am disgusted by this outcome and very sad to see another victim of the barbaric state sponsored murder known as the death penalty. Anyway, I’ve got to go back to work now. Stay safe everyone. Love you bye.