Archive for June, 2012

Weird Day

Posted in about the blog, Me, Uncategorized with tags , , on 30/06/2012 by arabrhizome

So it seems that today came and went without me noticing. I hate when that happens. I’ve just been so busy all day. I managed to get some work done but it was mainly stuff that has nothing to do with work. So I find myself at the end of the day not very tired, because I didn’t realise that the day passed. In my mind it’s still afternoon. I know it’s not because I can see the time. I hate this. Anyway, enough moaning. I’m going to make myself some tea, relax and start getting ready for bed. As always, stay safe everyone. live long and prosper.

Listening To Music

Posted in about the blog, Me, Uncategorized with tags , , on 29/06/2012 by arabrhizome

I’ve done something today I haven’t done in a very long time. I hung out with a friend and just listened to music. It’s been years since I’ve done that. It’s not like I don’t listen to music anymore. I just listen to it while doing other things. But today all my focus was on music. That hasn’t happened in a very long time. I miss just sitting and listening to records without my mind being occupied with some other task. Anyway, that’s all from me really. I must go and get ready for bed. As Always, stay safe everyone. Live long and prosper.

Long Day

Posted in about the blog, Me, Uncategorized with tags , , on 28/06/2012 by arabrhizome

I had a very long day today. I managed to do some work, which is good. I also went to Yoga, which was phenomenal. I’m starting to really see results. I’m a lot more flexible than I used to be. I’m still not that flexible but it’s slowly getting there. I then went out with a friend of mine and we had a very nice dinner. I always enjoy the company of that particular friend. We always have excellent conversations that go all over the place. Anyway, I’m back home now and very tired. I will relax a bit and then go to sleep. So as always, stay safe everyone. live long and prosper.

Not As Much Work As I Would Have Liked

Posted in about the blog, Me, Uncategorized with tags , , on 27/06/2012 by arabrhizome

So I didn’t manage to do as much work as I would have liked today. After quite a productive day yesterday, I thought today might be just as productive if not better. However, I woke up feeling groggy and slightly ill. Thankfully my health improved as the day progressed, but the damage was done. I didn’t manage to get my mind to focus like I wanted it to. I did some reading, but it was slow and laborious. I hope that tomorrow will be better. Anyway, I should go and get ready for bed. As always, stay safe everyone. Live long and prosper.

Not Much To Write About

Posted in about the blog, Me, Uncategorized with tags , , on 26/06/2012 by arabrhizome

So I don’t have much to write about. I spent my day working and then went to Dungeons and Dragons. Honestly nothing happened of note. I know I promised that the D&D posts were coming back, but so much has happened since the last post I wrote that I don’t think I can just pick up and start again. So I don’t think there will be any D&D posts in the future, unless I change my mind about that. I am known to do that. Anyway, that’s basically all from me for tonight. So as always, stay safe everyone. Live long and prosper.

Work and Music

Posted in about the blog, Me, Uncategorized with tags , , on 25/06/2012 by arabrhizome

I spent the whole day working. I was able to do lots throughout the day. I also listened to a whole lot of music. I was listening to a lot of my teenage music. I know I’ve written this a million times, but the 1990s were really a wonderful decade for music. I spent my day headbanging while working. There’s very little that can make me as happy as headbanging music while being productive. Anyway, that’s all I’m going to write about tonight, because I need to go get more work done. So as always, stay safe everyone. Live long and prosper.


Posted in about the blog, Me, Uncategorized with tags , , on 24/06/2012 by arabrhizome

I’m very confused today. I wasn’t sure what day it was all day. I had a very nice time with my friends and had some nice cheesless pizza. I also watched the football which was very entertaining although goalless. All in all it was a strange Sunday. I’m getting ready for bed now, as tomorrow will involve a lot of work and very little time off. I’m getting ready for a long week of work. I need to get a lot of stuff done this week. Anyway, I need to go have a cup of tea and then I will go to bed. So as always, stay safe everyone. Live long and prosper.

Slightly Ill

Posted in about the blog, Me, Uncategorized with tags , , on 23/06/2012 by arabrhizome

So I woke up today feeling slightly under the weather. It’s nothing too bad, but it’s still annoying. I did my weekly shopping then sat at home and relaxed. I did some work, but not a lot and then watched the football. The game was not very entertaining but the tweets by Some Grey Bloke, who has a great youtube channel that I highly recommend, made it really enjoyable. I would recommend you look at his timeline because those tweets were pure genius. Anyway, I’m still not feeling very healthy and thought that I might try to sleep early. So as always, stay safe everyone. Live long and prosper.

Revolutionary Charades

Posted in about the blog, Me, Uncategorized with tags , , on 22/06/2012 by arabrhizome

So I visited a friend tonight. We were just four people and we hung out. It was a lot of fun. We ended up “inventing” a game. We called it Revolutionary Charades. For those who can’t work it out, basically it’s charades but with revolutionary content. So we introduced a bunch of new categories, including movements, events, persons, slogans, as well as the old categories. It was a lot of fun. I already love charades and think that it’s one of the best games around. However, revolutionary charades takes it to a whole new level. Anyway, that’s all from me for today. As always, stay safe everyone. Live long and prosper.

Tired From Yoga

Posted in about the blog, Me, Uncategorized with tags , , , on 21/06/2012 by arabrhizome

I had a very long day of work, which is a good welcome change. I then went to yoga. It was really intense today and the hardest session we’ve had yet. I have realised that my left side is markedly more flexible than my right side. It’s strange as I am right handed. Although thinking about it, it might be more flexible because my muscles are less developed on that side. Anyway, I’m really tired and want to sleep. I just wanted to update my blog and not have another unfinished post up here. As always, stay safe everyone. Live long and prosper.