Archive for 27/07/2010

Beeston Discovered

Posted in Friends, Me, Uncategorized, Work with tags , , , , , , , , on 27/07/2010 by arabrhizome

I took my mom around town today. We stayed in Beeston. I wanted her to see where I live and where I shop. It was nice. She was happy to go around and keen to see things. I had a good time with her. After a morning of walking around and explaining what everything is we went back home as it looked like it was going to rain.

It did in fact rain. So we stayed in and enjoyed a nice afternoon of me teaching her to use her new laptop. She now knows how to use skype and so I’m afraid I might have unleashed a monster, we’ll see. You see my mom can be a bit clingy. I’m aware that all moms tend to be a bit clingy, but only my mom is clingy to me, so there. And giving her an extra way of calling and checking on me might not have been the best idea. Anyway, it’s done now and I can only  wait and see what will happen.

In work news, it seems that I will have two separate meetings with my supervisors. One is leaving at the weekend and wants to see me on Friday, while the other won’t read what I sent till next week and want to see me on Wednesday. I’m hoping it goes well. I’m a bit worried about the second one more, since what I wrote is not complete and I’m sure somehow in the wrong register or the wrong voice. It might be not passive enough. Whatever, I’m happy with my argument. I think my thesis is going in the right direction and I will argue for it and defend it quite forcefully. For the first time since my first thesis outline was taken apart, I have a clear vision of how my thesis will work. I’m not going to let anyone spoil it for me.

I’m kind of excited about working on it again. After my mom leaves I’ll be able to focus on it for a week before a friend comes to visit. I think that I can basically finish the chapter in that week, if I focus properly. Then I can start working on the following chapter, which will be harder, because it involves more synthetic work (or work involving synthesis). The arguments and concepts I will have to synthesise are very complex and difficult, so summarising and simplifying them will be a bit of a chore. On the other hand, it will be easier, because the texts I’ll be working on have been worked on a lot, so finding secondary sources wont be too difficult.

I am very happy that my mom finally made it here. I am also looking forward to spending a bit of time with Z alone, when everyone comes and goes. It’s been a bit of a crazy few months between travelling, family and friends visits, conferences, and chapter writing, that we haven’t had a lot of alone time together. So I’m looking forward to that. I’m also looking forward to a bit of PS3 gaming. I have God of War III and haven’t started it yet. I actually got it about 2 or 3 months ago. I promised myself that I wouldn’t start it before I finished this chapter, and I somehow was able to have enough self control, or guilt to be more accurate, not to touch it. Hopefully I’ll play it when A is here. I’m sure he’ll enjoy it.

Oh I almost forgot to mention that my mom brought the violin Z gave me a few years ago. It needs a bit of fixing, so I’ll do that and then start taking lessons. My plan is to be able to play it properly by this time next year. I think it’s feasible, but it requires commitment. I will do my best. Anyway, time to continue my tv/radio/podcast catch up, and then sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day of walking around.