Archive for 07/07/2010

Positiveness, Etc.

Posted in Me, Uncategorized, Work with tags , , , , on 07/07/2010 by arabrhizome

Right so as I wrote in yesterday’s post, today’s supervision really felt like the do or die supervision for my thesis. I was feeling really anxious yesterday. In fact I didn’t sleep until around 5:30 6:00 and woke up at 10. I kept going over what I was going to say and what I needed to explain. Then it was time for me to go to uni. The walk there was pleasant because it was hot but with a very nice breeze, so basically I didn’t sweat and that’s good.

When I got there my supervisor was waiting for me. We went down to have lunch at the cafe. I talked for about half an hour without interruption. I explained everything, from what I am doing now to what I will be doing in the next few months. I explained my plan what I will be saying in each and every chapter. After I was done, he had eaten all of his food and I hadn’t started yet. He then talked for a bit and asked me a few clarifying questions. He seemed very happy with my plan. I think that it made good sense to him.

We then both agreed on a timeline. I need to start producing chapters quite regularly if I am to stick to it and finish this thesis quite quickly. I think I can do it, all I need is to focus on my work and write between 1000 and 1500 words a day. So this is my mission, work regularly everyday. I know that I can write 1000 words in 2 hours if I’m focused, so I need to do that. So all in all I’m feeling quite positive about my work. Tomorrow is the first day of intensive thesis writing. Wish me luck.