Archive for 03/06/2011

So Sleepy

Posted in about the blog, Culture, Me, Palestine, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on 03/06/2011 by arabrhizome

I spent my day marking and checking stuff online. I’m still not done with the marking, it’s taking longer than I expected. Anyway, I thought I’d share a couple of things with you as I am too sleepy to do anything else. So this song is ready for pre-order on iTunes, please buy it. Not only is it a good song but it’s for a worthy cause. It actually caused a bit of a stir around the world. Glenn Beck cried about it (seriously you should check it out on youtube it’s hilarious). Also, Coldplay actually promoted it and got a lot of flack from zionist trolls for it. I have to admit that I’m not exactly a fan of Coldplay but this definitely made me respect them. Also, today Lush, the ethical hand made cosmetics firm, endorsed it. I love Lush and will now buy all my grooming products from there (Whenever I say grooming I feel a little dirty. I mean grooming as in staying clean and taking care of myself but it does sound a little pedophily. I don’t mean it in that way. I know it’s a controversial position but I think pedophilia is wrong and I don’t care who knows it). Anyway, why don’t you go on facebook and like both Coldplay and Lush and tell them you appreciate their ethical stance. The zionutters are being quite abusive to them on there. I’m sure they’d like to know people appreciate them for that position. Anyway, that’s it from me for now, see you tomorrow.